Is Our Government Telling the Truth?

Can we trust the people on Capitol Hill?

Can we trust the people on Capitol Hill?

It seems that we hear this all the time in the news and in the headlines but we only care for a short time before resorting back to our day-to-day rituals and go on as if nothing is wrong, but we are the ones who are wrong. Situations that have come up in the news such as the recent “Heartbleed bug”, “sceurity breaches at the center of Apple”, or “constant breaching of credit card accounts” among members of companies such as Target and Neiman Marcus, are but only a few that we seem to read about and see on television and yet we do not do anything about it when the time comes to act.

Internet privacy has continued to be a huge issue among large corporations, local businesses as well as everyday, hardworking citizens of our country. We turn to our government for help or some sort of guidance but how do we know that they are going to help when we see no results. According to sources at Digital Trend, over half of the people in the US have reported that the government is “not doing enough to protect their data and private information” and since those upbringings, over half of the country has pushed to have more regulations toward protecting our data and personal information.

Many people have complained that their should be a law passed in order for more reform or a push for some change in the way that the government regulates privacy among users of the Internet but what others have worried about is that having the government involved is not such a good idea in the sense that we need to self-govern ourselves on the Internet, although that idea may seem rash when first thinking about it, the Internet was created by people and so were the security systems that we use before word of the government or NSA getting involved started to sprout up.

What there needs to be in today’s ever expanding technological society is that we have to establish a middle ground with the government and online companies in order to feel safe on the Internet once again without the fear that our accounts, personal information, data or any other area of our network is at risk of being accessed. However, the way in which we can meet this middle ground is still very unclear and will be for some time until we can get straight answers from our own authority, which, in this day and age only seems like a pipe dream, but it is a goal that can be reached if we persist as a nation who feels violated. There can be change, change that would bring a desirable outcome to our nation. However, in order to reach that outcome, we as a country need to remember that we all have a voice and still have a right to our privacy.

Are we safe online?

Are we safe online?

Article written by: Geoff Duncan – April 21, 2015

More on this article can be found at:!FEFKr

Pictures found on Google Images (search term): US Capitol Building / “Government” + “Internet”

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