Zuckerberg vs. the US Government (Privacy)

ImageIt seems that Internet security seems to continue to be a hot topic in today’s use of the Internet and even Facebook CEO, Mark Zuckerberg thinks peoples’ security are in jeopardy. Earlier in March, Mark Zuckerberg made a personal call to President Barack Obama to discuss his concerns with how the government is “damaging” the Internet’s security. In an earlier posting on Facebook, Zuckerberg posted multiple times that he has been feeling “confused and frustrated” because of how the government continues to intrude on their users private online interactions. This is not the first time that Mark has been on the alert for government involvement of Facebook.

Mark Zuckerberg and his team of engineers has continuously worked toward bettering the security of their Facebook users and preventing others from hacking other profiles and gaining private information, but he never dreamed that he would be protecting his users from our own US government. This problem is something that Mark is trying to figure out and work through with the President’s help. Reports from a friendly journalist of Zuckerberg’s, Glenn Greenwald, informed the Facebook CEO that the NSA allegedly “masqueraded themselves as a fake Facebook server” in an attempt to infect their intended users with malware. Upon further discussion and an attempt to speak with the NSA, the NSA denied that they had any action involving impersonating Facebook and other social media sites. As mentioned before, Mark Zuckerberg reached out to President Barack Obama to find a solution for reform, but unfortunately it seems that in order for that to come to light in the public eye, it is going to take a long time to see a true change in the government’s activity on the Internet. Zuckerberg continues to find a way to a reasonable outcome but in the mean time it is nothing but mere frustration for the young Facebook founder.

Facebook is one, if not the ultimate, dominant social media website to be used since the rise and fall of MySpace in the early 2000’s. Facebook, as well as other sites including Twitter, have continued to complain about the “limited information” that they can release to the public regarding the requests from the government for consumer data. This is not the first attempt that Facebook and Mark Zuckerberg have made in order to see a change in the way that the government access certain pieces of information. It is now a waiting game as far as seeing if the President will follow through with a reasonable answer to Zuckerberg and the Facebook populations’ demand for privacy. Only time and diligence will tell.



Original Source of news: NBC News

Link to news site: http://www.nbcnews.com/tech/security/zuckerberg-u-s-government-threat-internet-security-n52151

Photos taken from: Google Images (search term: Mark Zuckerberg)

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